Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tonight's quick dinner was Albertson's chicken fajita mix from their butcher case. Here's a review: it wasn't worth the time saved. I should have done anything else (chicken nuggets and rice pilaf from a box?). It was rubbery (over marinated), too artificial-smoky tasting, and lacked a certain "zing" that we like (lime, chili, something). We added some "Florida Seasoning" from Penzey's spices (orange-citrus pepper blend) which helped, but I still couldn't finish. Incidentally, our daughter ("C") ate more of the meat than I did. My husband ("K") didn't like it, but he ate it ;-).

We're improving the meal by chilling a bottle of Avery Lanes Riesling for dessert after C goes to bed. I was blown away by the 2005 version of this wine at a new release judging a few weeks ago. This is the 2004. If it is similar to the 2005, the sweetness would have been a nice foil for what we hoped would be a spicy dinner. For $7.99, I'll let you know what I think later!

I'll post a real recipe or two every so often.


At 9:05 PM, Blogger Nuclear Mom said...

I haven't even seen this there. But it is so something AB will pick up and want to try. We will be avoiding this!

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Nuclear Mom said...

Oh yeah... our quick dinner? Digiorno pizza. Yeah, I won't be posting about that one. ;)


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